Friday, January 22, 2016

How you control your anger?

So hai assalamu'alaikum ehm I know and I am well aware I shouldnt post things like this since there are times I failed to hold my anger. Yet I wanna share some tips or my 2 cent thoughts.

Aku faham semua orang pernah lalui benda ni, yang mana bila dalam group assignment, ada sorang dua manusia yang tak buat kerja. Yeap sah sah kita akan bengang tambah kalau semua depa tolak bagi kat kita. And surely you will be gone mad, furious like wild lion or even worse than that just so you know come back to your sense, remember we have time we have another few months left to stay and stick thru thick and thin together, don't you think war/fight isn't something worth for us to do now? Friendship bond is what we need to keep it alive and safe. I know, I have went thru the same thing. Kalau nak cakap, last week every day  waktu rehat hampa pi makan aku lari balik asrama ambik laptop aku, pastu esok batt pula terlupa bawa lari lagi balik and i just have 15 mins before my presentation starts. Penat weh, esok tu ambik laptop puff sebab dia sakit and aku takmau susahkan dia balik ambik so I just volunteered myself and ni bukan salah dia and the rest aku lari balik sebab benda sama untuk presentations. Slides kena tolak kat aku sorang. Semua tu aku pun pernah rasa. Yeap I whined actually, merungut marah tapi satu you kena ingat, memang depa tak buat kerja tapi yang dapat ilmu lebih tu kita, we might think we dont need to use that knowledge now but one day we will realize the hikmah. So awak please chill, okay?

Kita diberi pilihan nak luah, maki hamun dekat laman sosial or settle secara baik, rendahkan ego kalau salah minta maaf, kalau tak puas hati cakap terus terang. Tetambah kalau dengan aku, I am really an open person, tak tipu yeap aku mulut celupar ((well I'll try to change that sooner okay? Huhu)). People yang pernah/memang rapat dengan aku tau betapa kasarnya aku tapi when it comes to certain problem and situation yang aku kena act professional, I'll be one. I still know how to tolerate with people no matter how heartless you see me. I dont give a flower about what you think, you can expect me like what you want but if you havent met me, have never ever try to know how I think, my tangled thoughts you have no right to judge or point your finger at me and I have no fucking flower to give to you either mate. Benda boleh settle, boleh bawa bincang satu meja, cakap. Jangan bising sangat. Orang tak suka, orang lain pun pernah rasa penat, marah, bengang ni. And please jaga rasa tu. We're not in school phase no more, we're in univ phase where we need to act like a matured person eventho we're not but there's no harm in trying to act like one tho. Just calm your fucking vein down and smile. Be happy with what you have beside you. At least you have the opportunity to have someone special beside and behind you to hold your back while some people dont, honestly I don't have that one special and I am glad I still survived, so chill.

I try my best to listen every and each problem you have with me with my heart, I'l try to understand. Hope is what makes us as a human. Have faith, don't forget✨

Maseh dah dtg nengok n singgah shini :*

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